I've just cracked 21,000 words on TREACHERY IN TIME, the sequel to A RIVER IN TIME. Set once again at The Oldest House in Braintrim, Pennsylvania, the book picks up in June of 1796. I cannot reveal too much more, because anyone reading this who hasn't read A RIVER IN TIME shouldn't have the ending of that book spoiled for them.
At any rate, TT deals with a suicide which is quite quickly determined to be a murder, back in 1796, at a fictional farm neighboring the Sturdevents' farm and The Oldest House. Elizabeth and Samuel Sturdevant are back, as is Joshua, and without giving any more away I will tell you there is an historical figure whose presence at the House and in the book will be a surprise: Thomas Jefferson.
I hope his presence in TT will also be intriguing. Of course, we have no historical documentation that this person ever visited the House. However, since it existed, and he existed, in that time, he could have. And since in RIT I decided to make him Joshua's mentor and friend while the young Sturdevant was in law school at William and Mary, his presence in TT isn't out of context.
Historical research states that leading up to the Presidential Election of 1796, neither Jefferson nor his chief opponent John Adams campaigned, at least, not as we know it today. So with Jefferson having retired from his overseas post to Monticello, and in the absence of historical documentation to the contrary, it is quite logical that Jefferson could have made the journey north to visit his protégé.
You'll have to read the book to find out why!
In other Oldest House news, the Wedding Dress Exhibit is now down, with thanks to all who helped and especially to those who loaned us dresses from their treasured family cedar chests. We had a good response and several people who visited the House came specifically to see the Exhibit. I hope they were not disappointed.
The Summer Period Clothing Exhibit is now on display, until the end of, well, summer. I expect I will change it out sometime in September or October so that the Winter Period Clothing Exhibit can be on view for the Christmas Tea.
I've spent a bit of time, though not as much as last year, when I was building the base collection, adding a few things here and there, so the Winter PCE will be quite different from last year's. I have managed to snag a couple of really nice pieces and I hope everyone will come out and see it.
Before that, though, do come and visit the House: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 1-4 p.m. and check out the summer Exhibit. I think you'll be quite pleased with the lighter clothing on display, and I'll be those who wore such things in past summers were pleased as well.
Also this summer, we have a new Susquehanna River exhibit, a lovely display of antique quilts and an amazing group of antiques in the front room, done in the style of a 1930's kitchen. I bet when you visit, you'll say, 'my grandmother had one like that!' because so many of these kitchen items are almost iconic.
Also this summer, I plan to get to the Pottsgrove Manor's period clothing exhibit, for comparison and also to continue to educate myself. I had planned to go tomorrow, but it will be much too warm to endure that so I'll opt for a cooler day in the coming weeks. I hope.
Meanwhile, TREACHERY IN TIME should be ready by the Fancy Fair at the Oldest House, held in October...dates to be announced. So, back to writing...
I loved River in Time. So looking forward to Treachery In Time!