Friday, 30 August 2013

The 183 Year Old Cap

Hello friends!
Some of you may recall that I spent much of the summer acquiring antique clothing to expand the Period Clothing Exhibit at The Oldest House. I still hope to have that Exhibit mounted in time for The Christmas Tea. It may even be ready for The Fancy Fair!
But as I was bidding on dresses, men's shirts, hats, caps and other garments to donate to and display at the House, I couldn't help getting a couple of things for me.
Today, for the first time, I wore a little cotton cap from the 1830's along with my Regency/Empire dress, to staff the House. This little cap is just beautiful: all hand stitched, even the tiny tiny stitches along the border of the bavolet.
The what?
Yes, I had to look that word up too! It's French, and it means the little flap that hangs down at the back of a hat, bonnet or cap.
This cap has eyelet trim and tiny gathers at the crown. The minute I took it out of the tissue paper it had been packed in, I felt a kind of tingle, and even though I am not a hat person, I couldn't resist putting it on. And keeping it!
Today, as I walked outside with the cap on my head, I thought back and wondered when the last time had been that it saw the sunshine or felt a breeze blow along its light cotton material. It's in such good shape, I can only imagine that it was packed away long ago and has been periodically taken out to be oohed and aahed over, and examined, and then put away carefully once again.
I couldn't help smiling and thinking that the little cap was probably happy to be out and about again in the world. 
Here's a photo of me in the cap. I've changed my profile picture to this one on Twitter (@LadyCourville) and on Facebook (Deborah L. Courville/Deborah Courville)

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