Friday, 24 July 2015

BIG NEWS-another sequel to A RIVER IN TIME!

hello all!
I am pleased to tell you that I have begun the THIRD book in The Oldest House series! The working title is 'Christmas at The Oldest House,' and while it isn't terribly imaginative, it will probably be the published title as well.
Because the books IS about Christmas at The Oldest House--back in 1799. The characters that you, gracious readers, enjoyed in A RIVER IN TIME, and TREACHERY IN TIME are back, with even more friends and relatives to amuse, inform and delight you.
Nearly all of them are real, historical people who lived at The Oldest House or in the surrounding areas of Braintrim, PA and Tunkhannock. A few have been created, but these are usually developed to fit in with the story as well as with actual historical events.
At any rate, the other reason I shall likely keep this title is, it is a metaphor for life, and for the book as a whole. Sure, it's about the Christmas celebrations in 1799 at The Oldest House as I IMAGINE they might have been, given the fact that I have created a fictional twin for Samuel, Jr and imported Izzy from the 21st century! But it is also about the wider events of the area, and even of the world, at that time. And that is just like life, isn't it? We all have our intimate, absorbing concerns, but meanwhile there are all sorts of other things going on that, sooner or later, impact us on a personal level.
I was doing some research today and learned that in 1798 and continuing for several years, there was a land grant issue among two members of the actual real Braintrim Baptist Church. (Even though there was no church building per se at that time, I did create a fictional one for my fictional Braintrim Village, but historically, when I speak of the 'church' I mean the congregation, which really IS the church anyway...)
I digress.
So, two families apparently had a very very serious disagreement for many years about land. And that is ALL I have been able to find out. No names are recorded, and no details. This fascinates me, and of course it is an issue to which I shall refer in the book, as it takes place in December, 1799. I have continued to do research, and I have come up with some interesting historical details about that time that **might** be what this land dispute was all about. We do not know, and it is unlikely we ever will for certain.  So meanwhile, since I write fiction, I believe I shall weave the actual facts in with the mysterious occurrence, and solve the mystery that way.
In any case, the actual dispute caused a very 'dark and troubling time' for the church, and I am positive Rev. Samuel Sturdevant was extremely worried and upset by that.
Another larger story is the US involvement in a pseudo war with France at this time. It has to do with the Jay Treaty between the US and England, and the fact that the French didn't like that much, and the scandal surrounding Adams' presidency with the XYZ Affair, and Thomas Jefferson's desire to stand for President against the incumbent, Adams (to whom he had lost in 1796).
If this all sounds like boring, vaguely remembered stuff from History Class, don't worry: I promise to make it interesting! Josh, you see, is involved in the XYZ Affair, but not in the way you might expect, and there is that whole element, as well as his and Izzy's life in Charlottesville, to entertain the reader.
And finally, of course, there is Christmas--how would it have been celebrated back then? Of course, I take some liberties, but if I add some things that probably were not part of the festivities, I try to stay faithful to the spirit of the times, and to be as historically accurate as possible.
We may not have first hand written records of what was done, but we can make what I like to call 'informed imaginings' about it all.
So stay tuned. I have just begun writing this. Will it be ready in time for the Fancy Fair at the House in  mid October? I am not sure. Perhaps. That would be ideal, of course.
Either way,watch this space for updates!!