Hello everyone!
Today I am bringing the boxes containing the mannequins and dress forms, along with a bag of crinolines and hoop skirts, to The Oldest House. I won't unpack anything yet, but I have to get this stuff out of my car LOL!
I've created signs with a distinctive logo for the PCE too, and one apologizes for the boxes and notes that the PCE will be expanded.
Although we aren't expecting to have hoardes of visitors in the next few weeks, as it's the tail end of our Open Season, those we do have visiting the House will still be able to see the PCE as it exists now (and as it has existed for this past year or so), and will also be among the first to know about the expansion!
I am hoping that seeing 'brick and mortar' stuff like boxes and bags, along with a sign explaining about the re vamped Exhibit, will whet people's appetites: this is more than just getting one or two new hats or dresses! I acquired close to 40 pieces of genuine antique clothing from 1830's through the late Victorian and Edwardian periods. Not all will be on exhibit immediately: I'm mounting a 'winter' display first, with the heavier items, shawls, etc. In the spring I'll switch out some of these with lighter clothing (I have an adorable late Victorian two piece blue and white outfit that would just be perfect for a picnic in the park) and that will be on display through the summer.
At least, that's the plan!
My fellow volunteer at The Oldest House, Nancy H., is going to help me with the display some time in the next few weeks so it should be ready for the Fancy Fair on October 18-19 as well as for the Christmas Tea on December 6,7, and 8.
We are really excited about it and hope people will make a special effort to come visit and view the new Exhibit!
We've also been working on a Souvenir Booklet for the House. I met with Debbie S. and Tony D. a couple weeks back and we did some editing and adding and changing to the basics I'd roughed out.
It's nearly finished now: just waiting for a picture from the new PCE to go in, and I'll send it off to the printers!
Last night at the Mehoopany Township meeting, I had a chance to chat with Mary Lee (Bowman) Goodwin. I was telling her about the House and she told me she'd grown up across the street from it, and spent a lot of time in the house next door to it, where her grandmother lived!
Fortunately for me, she related some absolutely charming anecdotes about the Morrisons, who lived in the house in the mid to late 50's, and I'll add in a couple of these to the Souvenir booklet.
Perhaps in the upcoming months we will hear from some others who lived near or visited the House prior to the Morrisons' tenure: I'd love to find someone who visited the Mauselles when they owned the House in the early 1900's!
So that's what I'll be doing today...and tomorrow, I'm at the House from 1-4 to give tours, etc., after lacing up my corset and donning one of my prettiest frocks!
(BTW, I tried out a new corset last week: ouch! I'll have to break it in, as I did the other one).